Physics Practical Exam Guidelines for 2023-24 by SCERT
Physics Practical Score Entry Sheet 2024
(For External Examiners)
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Plus One Physics Practicals Manual Pdf
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Plus Two Physics Practicals Manual Pdf
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Physics Practical Quick Revision Theory Points & Diagrams
2024 by Bibin C Jacob
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(Exclusive) Updated on 22-01-2024

(ഇതിൽ ഉള്à´³ Theory Points ആണ് പരീà´•്à´·à´•്à´•് à´ª്à´°à´§ാനമാà´¯ും
A minimum of 14 experiments must be performed by each student with
at least 7 experiments from each section A and B (First year and
Second year)
Physics Practical Log Book
The experiments performed by the student must be recorded in the
logbook. The student should be encouraged to draw the tabular column
and write the aim and principle of the experiment before performing
the experiment in the lab and the certified logbook should be
submitted for practical examination. A single logbook should be used
for the first and second year. A minimum of 14 experiments should be
recorded in the practical log book.
Eg. (i) Find the volume of a given sphere using Vernier Calipers and
(ii)Determine the density of a rectangular block using Vernier Calipers
cannot be recorded as two separate experiments"
1. Vernier Calipers
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2. Screw Guage
┗➤ Click Here
┗➤ Readings & Calculation
3. Moment Bar
┗➤ Click Here
4. Convex Lens
┗➤ Click Here
5. Concave Mirror
┗➤ Click Here
6. Ohm's Law
┗➤ Click Here
┗➤ Readings & Calculation
Practical help file by Bibin.C.Jacob, HSST Physics, BHSS Mavandiyur
Expt No | Experiment Name | Principle & Worksheet | Video Presentation |
Exp No 1 | Vernier Calipers-1 | Click here |
Video-1 Video-2 |
Exp No 2 | Vernier Calipers-2 | Click here | Click here |
Exp No 3 | Screw Gauge-1 | Click here |
Video-1 Video-2 |
Exp No 4 | Screw Gauge-2 | Click here | Click here |
Exp No 5 | Moment Bar | Click here |
Video-1 Video-2 |
Exp No 6 | Concurrent Forces | Click here | Click here |
Exp No 7 | Helical Spring | Click here | Click here |
Exp No 8 | Simple Pendulum | Click here | Click here |
Exp No 9 | Sonometer | Click here |
Click here Click here |
Exp No 10 | Sonometer(Freq of AC) | Click here | Click here |
Exp No 11 | Convex Lens | Click here | Click here |
Exp No 12 | Concave Mirror | Click here | Click here |
Exp No 11 | Ohm's Law | Click here | Click here |
Practical help file by Ayyappan C, HSST Physics, GHSS Uduma, Kasargod
Experiment No | Experiment Name | Principle & WorkSheet |
Exp No 1 | Vernier Calipers | Click here |
Exp No 2 | Screw Gauge | Click here |
Exp No 3 | Moment Bar | Click here |
Exp No 4 | Concurrent Forces | Click here |
Exp No 5 | Helical Spring(Load-Extension) | Click here |
Exp No 6 | Helical Spring(Oscillation Method) | Click here |
Exp No 7 | Simple Pendulum | Click here |
Exp No 8 | Sonometer(Constant Tension) | Click here |
Practical Animation Videos by Ranjith K Chathoth, HSST Physics, GGHSS Thalassery
Expt No | Experiment Name | Animation Video Tutorial |
Exp No.1 | Vernier Calipers |
Click here |
Vernier Calipers-LC |
Click here |
Vernier-MSR & VSR |
Click here |
Vernier-Volume of Sphere |
Click here |
Exp No.2 | Screw Guage-Pitch |
Click here |
Screw Guage-Error & Correction |
Click here |
Screw Guage-Find Volume |
Click here |
Exp No.3 | Ohm's Law |
Click here |
Exp No.4 | Moment Bar |
Click here |
Exp No.5 | Meter Bridge |
Click here |
Practical Lab manual by Harikrishnan K, HSST Physics, CVMHSS Vandazhy.Palakkad
Exp No | Exp Name | Lab manual Pdf | Video Tutorial |
Exp No 1 | Vernier Calipers | Download | |
Exp No 2 | Screw Guage | Download | |
Exp No 3 | Moment Bar | Download | |
Exp No 4 | Simple Pendulum | Download | Click here to view |
Exp No 5 | Concurrent Forces | Download | Click here to view |
Exp No 6 | Helical Spring | Download | Click here to view |
Exp No 7 | Resonance Coloum | Download | - |
Exp No 8 | Sonometer | Download | - |
Exp No 9 | Sonometer(Find unknown freq) | Download | - |
Exp No 10 | Sonometer(Freq of AC) | Download | - |
Exp No 11 | Newton's Law of Cooling | Download | - |
Exp No 12 | Ohm's Law | Download | |
Exp No 13 | Ohm's Law(Series & Parallel) | Download | - |
Exp No 14 | Meterbridge | Download | Click here to view |
Exp No 15 | Potentiometer(Comparison of emf) | Download | Click here to view |
Exp No 16 | Potentiometer(Internal Resistance) | Download | - |
Exp No 17 | Convex Lens | Download | |
Exp No 18 | Concave Lens | Download | Click here to view |
Exp No 19 | Convex Mirror | Download | - |
Exp No 20 | Concave Mirror | Download | |
Exp No 21 | PN Junction Diode(forward bias) | Download | - |
Physics Practical Exam Previous Years QP
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Physics practical viva questions and answers-Viva Voce
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Practical Experiments Videos by Yamuna tr
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Practical Experiments Videos by Smitha Haridas
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(Section A or XI)
1. Find the volume of the given cylinder/rectangular block. Given
Vernier Calipers.
2. A sphere of known mass is given along with Vernier calipers.
Determine the diameter and hence the volume of the sphere.
3. Determine the internal volume of the given calorimeter. You
are supplied with Vernier
4. A screw gauge and a meter scale are supplied. Determine the
diameter of the wire and hence find its volume.
5. Using a screw gauge, determine the thickness of the glass
plate and find its volume. Graph paper supplied.
6. Determine the volume of the given lead shot using a screw
7. Using a spherometer find the thickness of the glass plate and
hence find its volume with
the use of graph paper.
8. Using a spherometer, find the radius of curvature of the
spherical surface
9. Using common balance determine the mass of the given body by
the sensibility method.
10. Using the principle of moments determine the mass of the given
11. Find the mass of the meter scale using the principle of
12. Using the moment bar, find the relative density of the given
13. Find the relative density of the given body using
parallelogram law.
14. Find the mass of the given body using the parallelogram law
15. Using a capillary tube and microscope, find the surface
tension by measuring capillary rise.
16. Draw the load-extension graph of a helical spring for at least
four different loads and
determine the spring constant from the graph.
17. Tabulate load extension for helical spring for at least four
different loads and find spring constant by calculation.
18. Using a helical spring, measure the period of oscillation with
four different known masses and determine the spring constant by
19. Draw M-T²graph for a helical spring with four readings.
Determine the spring constant from the graph.
20. Determine the viscosity by measuring the terminal velocity
of glass beads through castor
oil in a jar.
21. Find the specific heat of a solid or liquid by the method of
22. Using the law of friction, find the coefficient of friction
between a block and a horizontal
23. Determine the period of oscillation for lengths, 70, 75, 85,
90 and 95 cm of a Simple
pendulum.Plot L-T² graph, find the acceleration due to gravity
using graph.
24. Find the period of oscillation of a simple pendulum lengths,
65, 70, 75, 85 and 90 cm.
Using these values calculate the acceleration due to gravity at
the place.
25. Using resonance column apparatus, measure the resonating
lengths for at least three tuning forks hence find the velocity
of sound at room temperature.
26. Compare the frequencies of two tuning forks using resonance
column apparatus.
27. Using a sonometer, determine the unknown frequency of the
given tuning fork. Three
tuning forks of known frequencies are supplied.
28. Using a Sonometer study the relation between length of a
given wire and tension for
constant frequency.
28. Study the rate of cooling by drawing a time-temperature
graph. You are provided with a Calorimeter, water and stopwatch,
thermometer etc.
(Section B or XII)
1. To find the resistivity of a material of wire using Ohm's
2. To find the resistance of a material of wire using Ohm's Law
by plotting V – I graph.
3. To find the change in resistance of a given material with
length using ohm’s Law.
4. To determine resistance of a galvanometer by half-deflection
method and to find its figure of merit.
5. To convert the given galvanometer (of known resistance and of
figure of merit) into an
ammeter of desired range and to verify the same.
6. To convert the given galvanometer into a voltmeter of desired
range and to verify the
7. To find the frequency of the ac mains with a sonometer.
8. To find the value of v for different values of u in case of a
concave mirror and to find the
focal length.
9. To find the focal length of a convex mirror, using a convex
10. To find the focal length of a concave mirror by drawing a uv
graph and to verify the result
by normal reflection method.
11. To find the focal length of a convex lens by plotting a
graph between u and v .
12. To find the focal length of a convex lens by plotting a
graph between 1/u and 1/v.
13. To find the focal length of a concave lens, using a convex
lens in contact with it.
14. To determine angle of minimum deviation for a given prism by
plotting a graph between
the angle of incidence and the angle of deviation.
15. To calculate the refractive index of the material of the
prism using the id curve.
16. To determine the refractive index of a glass slab using a
traveling microscope.
17. To find the refractive index of a liquid by using (i)
concave mirror, (ii) convex lens and
plane mirror.
18. To find the focal length of a liquid lens.
19. To draw the I-V characteristics of a p-n junction in forward
20. To draw the I_V characteristics of a p-n junction in reverse
Useful videos